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Ethan Daniel Weight for Age Percentile Growth Chart and Calculator

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


A rich man is caught in the act of committing a crime by the king's police. To avoid being jailed, he bribes the cop with a thousand gold pieces, and he is set free. When the sergeant hears about this, he calls the cop who accepted the bribe and says, Give me half of the money or I will report you to the captain. And so the cop gives the sergeant five hundred gold pieces. When the captain hears about this, he calls the sergeant and says, Give me half of the money or I will report you to the major. And so the sergeant gives the captain two hundred fifty gold pieces. But then, the major hears about this and threatens the captain, if you won't give me half of the money, I will report you to the colonel. And so the captain gives the major one hundred and twenty five gold pieces. When the colonel hears about this, he tells the major, Give me half of the money or I will report you to the general. And so the major gives the colonel sixty-two gold pieces. When the general hears about this, he tells the colonel, if you won't give me half of that money, I will report you to the king. And so the colonel gives the general thirty-two gold pieces. Is this all will I receive?! the general complains. Yes the colonel replies, that's all that is left. The general becomes fuming mad and orders that the rich man who bribed the cop be rearrested. Why are you arresting me? The rich man complains. I bribed one of your men to pay my crime. I am not arresting you for your crime, the generals tells him. I want to teach you a lesson. The next time you bribe any of my men, make sure you give a bigger amount so that my share will be more than thirty-one gold pieces! Corruption is a vicious chain.

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