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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Life Is A Journey

Life is a journey. Even before the moment of conception, it started from the journey of a single sperm cell towards the meeting of an egg cell. Another creation begins its journey, from embryo towards fetus until it comes out from the womb. This is another stage of life's journey, from infancy towards maturity. Here, someone meets different challenges. As one grows mature, the more challenges he or she is facing. Some may strong enough to face and stand still before the trials, some are coward to face the problems and find ways to scape until they go astray and some are weak to the point of losing their sanity. There are lucky people who are born with fortune and privileges and there are also born with less fortunate who must work hard in order to survive. But no matter who you are and what you are, whether you are wealthy or poor, there is only one sure thing in this life that we are taking our journey towards our grave. And that is everybody's destination.

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